100 At-Risk Teens to get Free Laptop Computers from Charity

The Techie Youth charity provides free online-learning and virtual-internship experiences that teach youth how to become financially self-sufficient, working remotely from anywhere they are. Youth may choose from over 20+ remote-career tracks including trading stocks & cryptocurrency, profiting from social media, video editing, selling digital objects such as e-books, artificial intelligence (AI) and more. Participants create a portfolio of demonstrable work-experience as they progress, and when they finish the program and graduate they will earn a certificate of completion from Techie Youth.

Laptops For Kids (LFK) and the Arman Roy Foundation have each sponsored the donation of half of the 100+ laptops to be gifted to underprivileged Techie Youth participants. Techie Youth, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit registered charity of NYC, is seeking more sponsors and donors to be able to help additional at-risk youth become self-sustaining career professionals.

Supportive benefactors of Techie Youth include Craig Newmark (founder of craigslist), Joanne & Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), Adam Winkel (Jane Street Capital) and an array of tech-sector companies. Techie Youth was also the 1st-place winner of charitable-cause grant competitions from 1010 WINS and Chick-fil-A.

Many celebrities have been advocating for Techie Youth including Redman, Crystal Waters, Willie Garson, Stephen Baldwin and lots of others.

Techie Youth prioritizes helping teens in foster care become financially self-sufficient. Nearly all older teens in foster care are statistically-likely to become homeless or incarcerated soon after reaching their age of emancipation and losing their foster care benefits and housing. Techie Youth programs are designed to better the outcomes for foster youth by teaching them how they can help themselves, since they do not have any supportive family members to rely on (youth who do, are placed in kinship-care instead of foster-care.) Techie Youth also serves other at-risk teen demographics including homeless youth, pregnant/parenting teens, juvenile justice involved minors, trans and youth with special needs, etc.

There currently are 3,000 teenagers in NYC foster care and barely a handful of older-teens get adopted each year, all of the rest age-out. Considering the extreme scope of this problem, the Techie Youth approach is the most-sustainable solution- to teach foster youth how they can earn income for themselves and become financially stable and self-sufficient so they do not need ongoing support.

The post 100 At-Risk Teens to get Free Laptop Computers from Charity appeared first on Sunshine Slate.

source https://www.sunshineslate.com/tech/100-at-risk-teens-to-get-free-laptop-computers-from-charity/


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