Fired After Getting a DUI?

Our means of transportation have changed drastically in the past decade. As taxi cabs are phasing out in many metropolitan areas, companies such as Uber and Lyft have taken over the market. And as ordering products online becomes more prevalent, especially with the recent growth of Amazon, delivery drivers seem to be a common sight in neighborhoods. More and more people are being employed by companies that require driving, or they are self-employed drivers.

But what if you make a mistake while driving that makes you ineligible to get certain jobs, or worse, results in losing your job?

“In certain situations, DUIs can prohibit you from getting certain jobs. It is a bit intuitive, usually if its a job that involves driving and your license happens to get suspended- it usually does cause some complication for you to be able to maintain that job,” explains Mr. Vaswani from Red Metric Law.

A caption then appears on the video: “Depending on your job, your employer may have a policy that allows for dismissal if you’re convicted of a crime- and DUI is a crime.”

Mr. Vaswani goes on to discuss the importance of finding proper legal representation in a situation like this, “It’s important to understand, when you’re searching for a lawyer, they talk to you about these things, they explain some of these collateral consequences- which is what we call them. So if you have an attorney capable of addressing those things with you, you should tell them what profession you’re in, explain to them how not having your drivers license could affect you”

In a video released earlier this month, Mr. Vaswani discusses changes in California law that allows for diversion over the objection of the district attorney, which seems to be important and powerful knowledge, especially for a defense attorney. “In our analysis, we’ve made a determination that diversion is eligible for DUI cases- and we vehemently make that argument in court,” says the young CEO.

After watching the video, it becomes apparent Mr. Vaswani is well versed in DUI cases and understands the modern economy. He closes the video by emphasizing the benefit of hiring a good attorney, “[It’s] very helpful for people who often need their driver’s license to get to work and provide for their family. So paint that picture, make sure we understand what it is your driver’s license means to you- how it affects your life and your ability to provide for yourself and your family.”

The post Fired After Getting a DUI? appeared first on Sunshine Slate.



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