Top Audio Visual (AV) Trends for Events in 2020

When it comes to event technology, the landscape is always shifting with the innovation of new and exciting tech that transforms the idea of event experience. Today’s hot technology can become redundant tomorrow. The event technology industry is moving really fast that it is easy to get distracted by the latest glossy object and side-line some of the best tech trends.

Digital and Visual technology have taken center stage this year. It is getting better year after year, as well as turning some of the fantasy concepts like image projection in Star Wars into a reality. With these innovating technology, you can now experience things as were once seen only in the movies and television series.

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Top Audio Visual Trends that You MUST follow for Events

Now, let us take a look at some of the hottest audiovisual technology, and how you can use these techs in your events to create unique experiences for your guests.

1.     3D Projection to “Wow” Attendees

You must have heard about this trend before, but it continues to “wow” people as we move from year to year, and we cannot get enough of it. This year is the time to bring out your projectors from conference rooms into private events, award ceremonies, and event venues. Now you can project on any flat surface or air to add a “wow factor” to your events.

All you need is a little creativity to design a PowerPoint and high-quality projectors to transform your events. For a flawless experience, it is recommended to hire one of the best event companies in Abu Dhabi to transform your whole event venue into an extraordinary theme that takes people into an entirely different universe.

2.     Holograms are here!

Another event technology that keeps evolving is 3-dimensional holograms. Hologram illusion is an amazing technology that uses projection to create images and objects. Hologram effects can be used in broad daylight and closer to the audience. With this technology, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars into flying your keynote speakers from around the world to your event venues.

Circus Roncalli, in Germany, recently used holograms instead of living animals for performances, and the world cannot get enough of it. There is a holographic projection of an elephant that flaps its ears at the audience and hoists up his hind legs as the cloud erupts with applause. Wouldn’t you like to see a 3D, high definition goldfish hovering mid-air right in front of your eyes?


3.     Interactive LED Walls

Just a few years ago, the idea of LED walls at events gave us a headache, with its painfully bright and low-resolution displays. Their low resolution made it difficult for event planners to use them for other than event backdrops and patterns. However, if you still think this way about LED walls, it is time to give this tech another look.

New interactive LEDs give you a lot of options when it comes to brightness control and display. This means that now you can enhance your event venue with these high-resolution LED walls that link seamlessly together, creating a large image on the wall. These LED panels can also be used to create a curved display, as shown below:

4.     Blending the Real with AR and VR

While the AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technology has been in the entertainment industry for a while now with products like Google Glass and Oculus Rift. Now, with innovation into these technologies, it is being used by event planners in providing immersive experiences to their guests. With applications like Pokemon Go, AR creates a different kind of reality and experience.

With these technologies, there could be a flower garden growing out of the screen onto the venue walls and in the room. The opportunities are limitless!

A charity event in New York used VR technology to take their guests on a virtual trip to an Ethiopian village. This way, the charity organizers placed their attendees literally “inside” the water crisis in Ethiopia to achieve empathy and desire to help.

Bonus AV Trend: Creative Lighting to Set the Mood

This bonus trend is to remind you not to forget about the basics when you are reading about these cool AV trends. Event lighting is by far, one of the most cost-effective ways to set the mood of your event. While the content of your event and speakers are important, but the way your attendees feel is also of great importance.

Just adding a bit of color in your event by using creative lighting like fairy lights, flame lamps, etc., can go a long way towards setting the tone of your events. So, get in touch with event companies in Abu Dhabi to have perfect lighting at your event and host a spectacular event in the UAE.

Get Ready to Amaze Your Attendees!

If we know one thing, it is that 2020 is getting more creative in terms of experiences. These are some of the top audiovisual trends that keep plugging along and helping event planners to create unique experiences that make people keep coming for more. If you haven’t incorporated this technology into your events yet, it might be a good time to revisit your strategies.

To be honest, it is not every day that we see virtual elephants trotting around the circus! Your audience is hungry for unique experiences, gives them a taste of the future with these cool AV trends.

The post Top Audio Visual (AV) Trends for Events in 2020 appeared first on Sunshine Slate.



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